
Jan16 Sat-Apr 10 Sun
Leonardo Da Vinci(1452-1519)is well known as a “universalist” who was not only a painter and sculptor but also active as a stage designer, musician, military engineer and architect. He left behind his studies and thoughts in a great number of codices and tried to express them as paintings, In this exhibition, “Madonna of the Yarnwinder”, an oil painting drawn during his ripening stage, and his original “Codice sul volo degli uccelli” (Codex on the Flight of Birds) will both be shown in Japan for the first time. They will join seven original drawings also making their Japan debut, along with about 70 prints depicting the life of Leonardo, offering the audience the chance to systematically enjoy the challenges of this genius through models faithfully reproduced from the originals.
College and vocational students:¥1,160
Elementary, Junior High and High school students, and seniors(65 and over):¥730
Mon(Open on Jan 18, Mar 21,28), Mar 22 Tue
Leonardo Da Vinci
The Madonna of the Yarnwinder c.1501
© The Buccleuch Living Heritage Trust